Taking advantage of the rebates… while it’s free for the consumer

I didn’t want to see us be another company with marketing material telling people to “get in quick” …but here we are.

It’s taken me a little while to truly appreciate just how lucky Victorians are. The Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program is an amazing initiative from your state government, that provides rebates on the installation of energy-efficient products in your home. There is a fact sheet available here.

Just one part of the program is centred around the lighting products in your home. Where rather than covering just a portion of the cost, when it comes to the typical light globes used in most households, they can be exchanged completely free of charge.

We honestly believe that if you are an energy consumer, you pay someone for your power and you don’t take advantage of this offer, then you are just helping pay for everyone else to save on their electricity bill! Anyone that does take the time to contact any one of the many providers that provide this upgrade at no cost, will only stand to benefit through the savings, by reducing their energy usage. There is no downside, it is as simple as that.

Many people are probably sick of having all the marketing for LED lights, solar-systems and water heaters jammed in their mailboxes, being cold-called at dinner time, or worse, bothered by a pushy doorknocker. We don’t want to harass anyone to take up this offer, but we truly believe that every Victorian stands to benefit from it, and is ultimately paying for it when paying their power bills, whether they like it or not.

There are changes coming to the program that may reduce the rebate amount offered, in which case, it’s possible that these lighting upgrades will then have a cost-to-the-consumer attached to it. So like always, you are better off taking advantage of something that is being offered free (keep in mind, this is free to the consumer, it still costs money!).

  • Starting June 2021, the rebate amount will be reduced by 40%
  • From 31 January 2022 it will be reduced a further 60%
  • Rebates will no longer be available on 31 January 2023

We urge every Victorian that hasn’t had the upgrade completed, get in contact with a provider to take advantage of the program, before you need to pay (out of pocket) in order to receive the products on the reduced rebate amount. Of course, you should consider us if you are regional and within a reasonable distance of Bendigo.