Our Commitment to Safety
TEIGE believes that the well-being of all people employed by the company, or people affected by our company’s work, is a priority and must be considered during any and all works performed by us, or on our behalf. Our people are our most important asset and work health and safety is everyone’s responsibility. The safety of the public is given equal priority to that of our workers.
The objectives of our comprehensive policy are to, as far as reasonably practicable:
• Achieve a safe and incident-free workplace.
• Consider WHS in project planning and work activities.
• Involve clients, employees, and subcontractors in the decision-making process through regular communication and consultation.
• Ensure company employees and subcontractors identify and control risks in the workplace.
• Monitor and review the elimination or control of potential risks.
• Enhance employees’ WHS knowledge through a program of continuous education and training.
The success of our WHS management depends on:
• The commitment of all persons to achieving the policy objectives.
• The planning of all work activities, with due consideration given to WHS.
• Undertaking a documented and sound risk management process in an effective manner.
• Communication and consultation between our workers and subcontractors.
TEIGE is committed to fulfilling the objectives of our policy and expects the same of all workers and subcontractors working on our behalf. For more information, including access to our detailed Work Health and Safety policy documentation feel free to contact us.