Ghost Squid

The physical design of our 8-meter autonomous unmanned marine vehicle (UMV) is a marvel of modern engineering, combining advanced materials and innovative design principles to create a vessel that is both efficient and stealthy. The hull of the UMV is designed to be semi-submersible, meaning that the majority of the vessel’s mass is below the waterline. This design feature reduces the vessel’s drag, allowing it to move through the water more efficiently, conserving energy and extending its operational range.

The vessel’s low radar signature is achieved through a combination of design and material choices. The hull is constructed with long, flat lines and a low cross-sectional area above the waterline, similar to the design principles used in modern stealth warships. This design minimises the vessel’s radar cross-section, making it more difficult to detect. Additionally, the materials used in the construction of the hull have been carefully selected for their radar-absorbing properties, further reducing the vessel’s radar signature.

The external skin of the UMV is covered in high-efficiency solar cells. These cells are capable of converting sunlight into electricity, which is then used to charge the vessel’s internal lithium batteries. This feature allows the UMV to remain at sea for extended periods without needing to return to shore for recharging. The solar cells are integrated into the design of the vessel in such a way that they do not impact its stealth characteristics or hydrodynamic efficiency.

The hybrid power system of the UMV is another key feature of its design. Under normal operating conditions, the vessel is powered by an electric drivetrain, which is run from the internal lithium batteries. However, in situations where urgent tasking exists and the vessel needs to move at best speed, it can transition to be powered by a hydrogen internal combustion engine. This flexibility allows the UMV to respond quickly to changing operational requirements, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of mission profiles.