The importance of a good website to ANY business
In today’s digital age, having a website is essential for any business, whether small or large. A website acts as an online storefront, providing businesses with a platform to showcase their products and services to potential customers. Today, we’ll explore the importance of a website
Inglewood Takeaway
Another local food & hospitality business scored some new lighting products under the Victorian Energy Upgrades program. Comming REAL soon to Inglewood. It is always a pleasure, as a new small business owner, to work with other small business owners and Inglewood Takeaway was no
Indoor Sports!
Another lighting job brings some more unique and fascinating challenges (we seriously LOVE a challenge). To complete a massive lighting upgrade in one of Bendigo’s BIGGEST bad-ass indoor sporting venue was clearly going to be different for us, right from the onset. There was a
VEU Code of Conduct
Starting on the first of July 2022, in Victoria, the Essential Services Commission has seen legislated, a regulatory code of conduct for participants in the Victorian Energy Upgrades program. This regulation means people conducting work under the program will be legally governed by this code
Switchboard Upgrades
Taking a number of switchboards (main, and sub-boards) from circuit breakers, to modern RCBO’s (Residual current operated Circuit Breaker with Overcurrent protection) can occasionally be a bit of a challenge, but rewarding when complete. Now the final sub-circuits have over-current protection, and touch protection. Protecting
Efficiency Everywhere
Unfortunately the Victorian Energy Upgrades program doesn’t cover every singe lighting product that we find (although it isn’t often that we find products that can’t be upgraded within the program). In this rustic outdoor dining hall, we found a number of G9 halogen bulbs (40
Warehouse Wednesday (on a Friday)
Another, larger warehouse/factory job ticked off for TEIGE Electrical. This one saw a good mix of products; Activating the built in sensors, means we can emulate the functionality of the older security lighting on the premises. Turning on when it gets dark and dimming until
A GREAT offer just gets betterer and betterer
Save 50% on your FREE incandescent, CFL and halogen lightglobe replacements!
Not all free LED upgrades are created equal
Something we’ve been noticing as we continue to roll out commercial upgrades in Bendigo is that not all upgrade activity under the victroian energy upgrades program (VEU) can be considered equal. Choosing the provider and/or supplier that uses products that will suit your particular application,
Augmenting existing lighting solutions for more performance
After completing a Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) installation for this client we weren’t entirely satisfied with the lighting levels. So even though we saw a measured uplift in lighting performance from the previous LED retrofitted fluro tube fittings to the fittings installed as part of
Half the energy, twice the light
Another not-free upgrade, but makes an amazing impact in the space. This kitchen had its 72w of fluorescent lighting swapped to a 40w fitting from Voltex Electrical. With a measured uplift of >40lux across all of the work surfaces in the room.
Before and AFTER
Check out this little install we did in a classroom, with a before and after comparison at the end. If you own, manage or represent any organisation in Victoria and you are interested in exploring what energy-saving products you can gain access to under the
Probably going to bang on about this one for a while.
Moving into a new property? A great time to look at, and consider upgrading your smoke alarms. Installing 2 new Voltex hard-wired and wirelessly interconnected smoke alarms into a clients new property is a worthwhile investment. Featuring; Being the holidays, it’s a great time to
VEU installations by TEIGE Electrical
We just wanted to share with you, something we think is important for our (potential) clients understand. TEIGE Electrical Services works with one of the largest Accredited Providers to the Victorian Energy Upgrades Program. We are the installers of the products, supplied by the Accredited
Monitoring your energy use with your smart-phone
These are a relatively new product to the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program. We’ve been using them now a couple of months and thought I’d mention a few particular use-cases that we’ve heard from our clients. 1 – The old freezer in the shed trick
Make an IMPACT with lighting products.
These cost the client only $19.95ea INSTALLED. Thanks to the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program. After replacing 6x MR16 halogen fittings the client will certainly be saving money on energy bills, while the lights are BRIGHTER and a much nicer, more even light throughout the
Back to school… during the holidays.
School holidays, time to get some work done! We are busy completing an upgrade under the VEU (Victorian Energy Upgrades), in an educational setting at an address that has already received a previous upgrade. The traditional diffused fluro troffers were upgraded with LED retrofit tubes.
Some upgrades may not be free but are certainly worth it
While conducting an upgrade to LED using the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program for an existing client’s investment property we were able to upgrade the kitchen’s fluro tube to an integrated LED unit. Unfortunately, in residential settings, an upgrade like this isn’t free. But if